Job Requirements:
-- Wasted seven years and many federal dollars on an advanced degree at a university with a medievalish name (eg. Oxford, Yale, Notre Dame)
-- Possesses the ability to decipher dates by the ecumenical calendar in 3 seconds or less
-- Can swear in Latin, Middle English and Occitan
-- Has laughed at the character references in Dante's Inferno
-- Has read Dante's Inferno
-- Able to recite the popes, in order, from Benedict IV to Nicholas V
-- Has critiqued the veracity of at least 5 medieval period movies
-- Knows that J.R.R. Tolkien was not just the author of The Lord of the Rings
-- Has spent at least one drunken weekend trying to build a trebuchet out of scrap timber
-- Has memorized the introduction to The Canterbury Tales. . . in Middle English
-- Has used the words 'fief', 'viscount', and 'barbican' in conversation in the past month
-- Able to recite the script of Monty Python's Holy Grail verbatim
-- Cringes when the word 'medieval' is used as a synonym for 'backward' or 'cruel'
And by popular demand . . .
The Medievalist Career List
-- least favorite history professor on campus
-- author of books and articles that will be circulated amongst a readership of six people worldwide
-- tour guide at the Vatican
-- historical consultant for Medieval Times restaurant
-- King or Queen of the local chapter of the SCA
-- Head archivist of an incunabula collection that only God Himself is allowed to view, if he stands behind glass and wears white gloves
-- the smartest waiter/waitress at Chili's
What a strange list of interests! Still, medieval history is one we have in common - I work in a medieval environment: dress, music and the organist are all from a bygone age!
Let me guess. . . you're the party planner for John McCain's rallies?
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